Panels & Workshops

About Otakuthon

Otakuthon is Quebec's largest festival celebrating Japanese animation (anime), graphic novels (manga), related gaming, and pop culture.

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The first of its kind in Montreal, Otakuthon is a full-fledged, fan-run, bilingual anime convention that features a number of special guests as well as many activities and events spotlighting anime, manga, video games, artwork, and Japanese culture.

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For general inquiries, please contact the Information Desk at

For all registration questions, please contact Pre-registration is closed but weekend and single day badges can be obtained on site during the convention.

Our Partners

Carta Magica

Chibi Yurika

Join a panel discussion and network yourself into meeting and sharing with like-minded friends. Enlist into a workshop to get some hands-on experience learning something wonderful.

Please check out the forums for the official list of panels and workshops:

Registering a Panel or Workshop

Organizing a panel or workshop can be a fun and rewarding experience.  You'll enjoy discussing the topics that you love with your fellow Otakus and it's a great way to contribute to the overall success of Otakuthon!

In order to be panelist or workshop host, YOU MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED! Early pre-registration closes on April 30, 2011 and late pre-registration closes on June 30, 2011. Please do not miss the final deadline.

There will be a maximum of four people allowed per panel and no more than six panels allowed per person. The number of people who can sign up for a given workshop will depend on the workshop's content and format.

A panel should last 45 min and a workshop 1h30 in order to insure proper transition between one host/group to the next. Special concerns and requirements about set-up and clean-up should be brought to the attention of the directors.

In order to address issues of compatibility and functionality, we would like participants to bring their own laptop (and corresponding wires and connectors, for VGA output only) when needed. No Internet connection is available at the site of the convention.

If you'd like to sign up, you have until July 15th, 2011 to send your applications to us.  Click here for registration for panels and workshops.


Number of Panels or Workshops

Reimbursement on Convention Badge

1 panel

15$ off

1 workshop

20$ off

2 panels

25$ off

One of the following:
- 3 or more panels OR
- 2 or more workshops OR
- 1 workshop + 2 panels

Full reimbursement (100%)

You will receive your reimbursement on Saturday afternoon and Sunday of the convention upon presentation of your signed attendance sheet.



Choose the right panel/workshop for you! Mostly, you will sign up for topics that you know well and that appeal to you.

If you are talking about a topic with technical or factual details, try to bring quick notes for yourself to review both before and during your panel. It never hurts to have your facts straight!

Visual aid is always a bonus and if you are presenting PowerPoint slides, try to make them as clear and legible as possible. The purpose of slides is to focus your audience's attention on the content of your presentation, not to distract from it. 

Communication is key! Whether among yourselves or with us staff, it is always a good idea to introduce yourselves and sort out your topics of discussion and other issues as early as possible. We also encourage you to use the message board to help coordinate and publicize your panels.


Please pick up your badge at the special line-up as you arrive. The regular lines are not only unnecessarily long to wait in, but also will not provide you the badge you need.


Where appropriate, encourage audience participation. Keep the discussions moving so that everyone feels involved. Watch for people who have something interesting to add to the discussion. The goal is to interact. Remember that the audience is part of the panel too. Use the microphone when available.

Wear a watch! The panel is actually only 45 minutes, not an hour (to allow panelists to move around, set up, etc). A workshop is 1h30 maximum. Try to arrive a little in advance before the official starting time in order to properly set up and prepare yourself, and wrap up the conversation on time to get out of the way for the next panelists. Also please remember that if you start late, it DOES NOT mean that you can run late! Please be fair to the next group using the room.


After each and every panel or workshop you hosted, you must have your Attendance sheet signed by one of the Panels or Workshops directors or assistant-directors. This will be necessary for you to receive your reimbursement at the end of the convention. 


Have fun! And try to help make it fun for everyone else, too!


Panels and workshops that will have mature content must abide by the following restrictions:

1.  Panels & workshops that will have content or discussions involving graphic violence and/or sexuality, eroticism, ecchi, horror and full frontal nudity will be scheduled after 8 PM (16+).  Content or discussion involving hentai, explicit sexuality or other pornographic material, as well as extreme or excessive violence and gore will be scheduled after 11 PM (18+).

2. Panels & workshops that have been designated as "mature" will be held behind closed doors and will have age restrictions (either 16+ or 18+) on who could enter (photo IDs with date of birth will be checked at the door).

3. The consent of participants must be obtained before taking part in any forms of "fanservice" (no coercion, no forcing, encouragement is acceptable).

4. Inappropriate behaviour and nudity either by the panelists or the audience are forbidden.

5. The decision to designate an age rating on the panel/workshop by the Panels and/or Workshops directors is FINAL.


Favorite Anime Series/Movies/OVAs (Discussion on a specific title, studio, or group)
Analysis/interpretation of a popular topic and/or anime/manga/movie/OVAs (eg the current obsession with vampires in today’s media)
Anime in Quebec (e.g. Goldorak, Albator, etc.)
Anime Industry
Anime that you Love
Anime that you Love to Hate
Anime in General
Favorite Anime Characters
Favorite Anime Villains
Favorite Bishoujo/Bishonen Characters
Favorite couples
Most Hated / Least Popular Anime Characters
Popular fandoms
Non-Japanese content inspiring anime/doujinshi/etc (eg Miyazaki movies)
Live Commentary of an Anime Episode
Japanese Tea Ceremony (Discussion)
Anime Music Videos (Discussion, How to, Competitions)
Anime Conventions
Cosplaying (Forming a cosplay group, Sewing/How to, Photography, etc.)
Early Days of Anime Fandom
English vs. French Dubbing
Live Action Shows
Anime Turned into Live Action or vice-versa
Popular Japanese Seiyuu
J-music (Pop, Rock, Alternative, etc.)
J-Pop Idols
Dramas (dramas that are based on manga, etc)
Manga (Discussion on a specific title, publishing house, or group)
Doujinshis / Fan-produced Mangas
Must see Anime (e.g. What’s new in Japan, what’s airing this season)
Hentai Anime (Mature content)
Ecchi Anime (Mature content)
Mecha Anime
Harem Anime
Shoujo Anime
Shounen Anime
Samurai/Ninja Anime
Magical Girl Anime
Classic/Retro/Old School Anime
Religious Themes/Overtones in Anime
Fanservice in Anime/Manga
Anime/Manga in the World
The Animation Process
Japan and the Anime Culture (history, analysis, etc.)
Video Games (Discussions on a specific title or company, specific genre - RPGs, FPSs, etc.)
Women and Video Games
Video Games Based on Anime
Doujin Games
Hentai Games (Mature)
Dating Sim Games
Influence of Japanese Culture on our Lives
Kimonos (Discussion or worksop)
Japanese Tea Ceremony (Discussion)
How to Write Fanfiction (Workshop)
How to Draw Anime (Workshop)
Website Design (Discussion, workshop)
Canadian/Quebec Anime Market (distribution, business opportunities, etc)
Geisha (dance, costume, makeup, etc)
Ninja/Samurai Culture
Origami (Workshop)
Martial Arts (Discussion or workshop)
Lolita Styles
Karaoke (Discussion, history, popularity)
Japanese Calligraphy (Workshop)
Showcase/Exhibition of Anime Paraphernalia (models, posters, figures, artbooks, etc.)
Taiko Drums (Workshop)

Need to know more?

Need more information?  You can contact the Panels Director at or the Workshops Director at