Otakuthon Misadventures (LARP)

About Otakuthon

Otakuthon is Quebec's largest festival celebrating Japanese animation (anime), graphic novels (manga), related gaming, and pop culture.

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The first of its kind in Montreal, Otakuthon is a full-fledged, fan-run, bilingual anime convention that features a number of special guests as well as many activities and events spotlighting anime, manga, video games, artwork, and Japanese culture.

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For general inquiries, please contact the Information Desk at info@otakuthon.com.

For all registration questions, please contact registration@otakuthon.com. Pre-registration is closed but weekend and single day badges can be obtained on site during the convention.

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****ATTENTION QUEST SEEKERS***The Otakuthon Misadventures LARP was a success at last year's Otakuthon and now it's back for your role-playing pleasure! The new and improved Otakuthon Misadventures 2: God's Wrath is ready to greet you back to its mysterious universe of Live-Action Role Playing!  If having fun with your company of friends while saving the world as a cosplay character is your cup of tea, then this is the event you have been waiting for! Even if you do not know anything about anime or manga, you can still participate! Everybody can play!

The cosplay world is once again in danger of destruction! This time the Goddess Cosmos is asking for your help to stop the world from ending. If you are up to the challenge and like cosplaying or acting your character in a real life game, then this event is for you.  Join Cosmos and other teams to search for the missing elements that have been stolen by a mysterious evil mastermind. If not stopped in time, this so evil enemy might use the combined power of these elements to destroy both the Otakuthon convention and the world!  This fantasy universe will surely deliver what you need in an awesome LARP: fun, adventure, mystery and challenges.

Cosmos needs all the help she can get. Form a team of three with your most trusted friends and save the world from utter destruction.  Don't expect this journey to be easy; you will have to face various characters from different anime, video game and manga series that will try to stop you in your journey.  They will challenge your anime and video game knowledge, as well as you memory and strategy skills in various quests to see if you and your team has what it takes to be the Earth's saviour.

You still think you are up for the challenge?  Then go ahead and take your chances with your friends and be the hero you were made to be.  Who knows, if you win you might get rewarded by Cosmos with super special awesome prizes.  But be aware that this might be the last thing you do if you fail!!!

The Otakuthon Misadventures 2: God's Wrath LARP will take place on Sunday Aug. 14th, 2011, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (note: this is a one day event).

For more information please send an email to larp@otakuthon.com.


A long time ago, the worlds of anime conventions were protected by divine creatures. Even today, these celestial beings are protecting what we know and love. As time went by, it seemed as though some of these gods and goddesses disappeared and left their worlds unattended.  It looks like the elements are raging upon the worlds of anime conventions and destroying all in their path, leaving worlds without anime culture. The leader of the gods, Cosmos, has realized that some worlds were being taken down by the elements: water, fire, wind, earth, metal, wood, light and darkness. The worlds of anime conventions have started to become victim to the elements. Goddess Cosmos believes this has gone too far and that only someone of pure evil could have stolen the elements from under the God's care and wrought havoc upon these worlds.  Cosmos and Mr. Smith, her second in command, have sent a beacon of help to gather teams of heroes to restore balance to the worlds and get back the elements from the LEGION of EVIL who stole them. The 8 evil masterminds of the LEGION of EVIL have spread themselves apart in different dimensions, in different convention worlds; to destroy all there is about anime and cosplay. They must be stopped at all costs. They are very dangerous and will stop at nothing to gain power and destroy everything that stands in their way. Sadly, Cosmos, weakened by the loss of the elements in her care, only has the strength to contact 8 teams of three to help her restore peace and gather the elements back in divine hands. Of course, there will be accessories to help fight against evil and Cosmos will gladly help her 8 teams from afar if they need guidance. Her chosen 8 teams will have to brave those evil masterminds and their challenges to get back the stolen elements. Although they are very dangerous separately; together they are not a force to reckon with since they war against each other. The worlds of anime convention and anime culture will end if the elements continue to remain in evil hands. If the union of these 8 elements happens, Cosmos has a way to bring back the elements under her control. A failsafe has been created since the beginning of time in case the elements were to ever be stolen. Gods and Goddesses of Ancient times have hidden its location safely from evil. Only those with strong celestial powers such as Cosmos can know of this. But there is one rule, the Gods and Goddesses cannot say the failsafe word aloud themselves; otherwise it would completely seal their powers away forever. The teams will have to find it on their own by gathering hints that have been whispered since the Ancient times and that have also been gathered, unfortunately, by the LEGION of EVIL. The worlds of anime conventions need your help in restoring what was destroyed, thus restoring the worlds of anime conventions to its peaceful ways.


***Please remember at all times that although this event has its own sets of rules, you still must abide by the general rules of the Otakuthon anime convention. Failing to do so will result in disciplinary measures being taken by the staff.  Please be respectful at all times towards staff and fellow cosplayers***

  • DO NOT wrestle, run or cause a disturbance to staff, volunteers or other convention goers.
  • DO NOT engage the non-playing characters (NPCs) during screenings, events, contests, panels or workshops.
  • DO NOT sabotage another team's work.
  • DO NOT force any convention-goer not playing the game to help you in a quest. You will need to ask their permission first.
  • Please respect others at all times during the game
  • You may still attend other convention events during the duration of the LARP but keep in mind that the LARP is 3 hours long and that other contestants might still be playing the game!
  • If you want to drop out of the game while playing or you just don't want to participate anymore, your team drops with YOU. Make sure the whole team agrees to drop as well before you make the decision. If you decide to drop out, please find the organizers (hosts) and hand in back all the materials of the event you have been given. No replacement will be accepted to replace a missing member during the game. This game is to emphasize team work and to have fun with your friends. Before the game, replacements can be arranged.
  • The LARP is to take place within official Otakuthon convention areas, mainly on the 3rd, 5th and 7th floors of the Palais des congrès. Areas outside the convention area are to be considered out of bounds.

    No playing in the following rooms:

- Main Events (517cd)
- Exhibition Hall (220de)
- Special Events 1 (517a)
- Special Events 2 (710b) (outside the scheduled LARP event in the room)
- Volunteer Operations (521a)
- Autograph and Green Room Areas (517b)
- In rooms where there are Guest Events currently taking place (the convention schedule will indicate when and where guest events are taking place).

  • No playing in any of the designated line-up areas (i.e. areas that have chains or rope designating a line-up area)
  • For the other rooms (e.g. video game room), our rules for general behaviour will apply.
  • At the end of the game, contestants are required to hand in all the materials given at the beginning of the game to the LARP organizers.
  • Prizes will be awarded to the members of the first team who finishes the game. Consolation prizes will also be awarded to those who participated until the end.
  • If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to send an e-mail to the following address: larp@otakuthon.com and write as the subject ***QUESTIONS***.


So, you want to participate? Here's the link to the document for registering. We will accept entry forms until Monday, August 8th, 2011. We accept a minimum of 5 teams and a maximum of 8 teams. Teams are made of 3 people only; no more, no less.  Once you have sent your registration entry form to this email: larp@otakuthon.com , you will be sent a confirmation email shortly to advise you if it has been received and approved. Below is the information we will ask you.

***If we are full, we will still keep your registration on the day of the event if we happen to have cancellations***



Fill out the registration form and send it to larp@otakuthon.com and write in the subject area: ***OTAKUTHON MISADVENTURE 2 REGISTRATION***

If you meet the following criteria, you'll be able to join the Goddess Cosmos and save the world! Before you register, please take a quick look at these application rules...

  • You have to be 13+ to register for this game
  • A total of 24 people will be accepted in this game. Meaning 8 teams of 3 people. WE NEED AT LEAST 5 TEAMS to do the game. If a team is missing members on the day of the event, it will be disqualified to let others play. We might make special exceptions, if needed.
  • IF one member wants to drop out, but the rest doesn't, you can find a replacement and change before the game starts, but you NEED to have 3 members to continue playing. If you can't find a replacement in time, then you will have to drop out. No replacement can be done once the game has started and your team will be disqualified.
  • You must have a full cosplay to participate (e.g. wearing only a Naruto headband will not count)
  • Cosplays can be from an anime, manga, game, J-pop, kimono, Disney or any other Japanese/comics related media.
  • You have to act like your character and live the lie. You need to be able to have fun and enter the game. (e.g. During the event, you'll be called by your character's name and not your given name)
  • You need to be a team of 3 in total. If you are alone and want to participate, please check the Otakuthon's forums, Facebook page, and/or website concerning this event to look for other people to team up with.
  • First come, first serve policy applies here. If we have cancellations before or on the day of the event, we will still print out your application and allow you to enter IF you show up on time at the event before 9:20 am! AT 9:20 am, the game will have already begun and it will be too late!


The Goal of the Game: The first one to finish the game and defeat the final boss will win first prize. If you do not finish first, there will be consolation prizes for the rest to thank you for participating in the game. So, everybody wins something.

  • This event starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 12 p.m. in the same room. The total amount of time for this game is 3 hours. No more, no less.
  • Each team have to be together and meet attendance. If all pre-registered teams are there, we will start right away. If we are missing teams, then we will go with the extra pre-registration teams we had. If still not enough teams, we will pick from the crowd if anyone wants to participate.
  • The goal of this game is to get 8 quest items and beat the final boss. The first team to do this wins. You have a possibility of 8 items to get, but only need 6 to clear the game and access the final boss. You will have to hand in all the elements back to Cosmos. ***keep in mind that, if you only have quest items, you will not get extra clues to win the final quest***
  • Once in the room, teams will be given a bag with the following items: a quest card, 5 special items, name tags and a team number.
  • Each team will have a name tag showing their characters' name on it.
  • Game rules will be explained to the teams on how to play the game.
  • Once the introduction skit is finished and every team gets their items, everyone can leave the room at the same time to find the NPCs.
  • Each team will be given a clue to find their first NPC. This clue will be to help you find the character you have to search for the first quest item. After that, you will have to find them on your own.
  • There are 8 non-playing characters (NPC) walking around the convention. They will be wearing a flag with the words "Legion of Evil" above their head or body. Every time you see a non-playing character and beat them, they will give you a clue for the missing KEY word for the final quest AND a quest item representing an element.
  • The goal of this game is to save the world from a mysterious evil mastermind that plans to destroy the world as well as Otakuthon by combining the powers of all 8 elements: fire, water, wind, earth, wood, metal, darkness and light.
  • To have access to the final quest, your team will have to collect 6 out of 8 quest items. Without one of them, you will not get access to the final quest. Of course, there are items that will help you gain those quest items if you miss one of them. Since there are 8 non-playing characters, there are 8 quest items to collect; but you only need 6 to complete the game. Even if you have collected 6 quest items and ready to meet the final boss, you still can meet all 8 NPCs if you want. If you manage to get all 8 quest items, you can exchange the extra ones to a NPC before going to the final quest for extra clues to guess the Final key word. If you think you have enough key words to find the final word after collecting 6 out of 8 quest items, you can go straight away to the final quest.
  • Everyone has to participate in each quest. This is to prevent anyone for clearing all the levels by themselves and giving a chance to their teammates. Teamwork is more fun!
  • Every NPC has a quest item for you to collect. Also, once you complete a quest, a word will be given to you for the final quest (see below in Quests Lexicon). If you don't pass a NPC's quest the first time, you will get half a word (missing letters) if you use a special item. If you fail the quest entirely and don't use any items, you don't get any word and die.
  • If you are out of special items and fail a quest; your team dies. If that is the case, you can go back to where you started and collect your consolation prize! P.S. Even if you know you lost and cannot get all quest items; you can still continue the quest challenges just for fun and claim your prize at the end.
  • Once your team has all the quest items and all the clues to find the key word for the final quest, it is time to go back to Cosmos and give her back her items. But be on your guard, surprises are part of this game. The first team to enter the room and beat the boss wins the game.
  • If the 1st team fails to find the Final key word, they will be put aside, allowing the next team to go forward.
  • If you do not have all the clues at the end with the final boss, you can sacrifice up to 2 members of your team to get extra clues. But remember, you will be alone to find the clue. Your teammates will have to trust you! You can do this with the special item Seppuku.
  • If a team wins, everyone will be redirected to the starter point of this game to gain their prizes.
  • There are 1st team prizes and consolation prizes to anyone who participated. This includes the sacrificed members. ***please note that these prizes does not include teams that got disqualified because they got tired of playing***
  • Also, if it is past the 3 hours of the game, go back to the starting point of this event to collect your prize! So, check the time! The NPC's will let you know as well if the time is up!




  • Go fetch! : This will test your observation and rapidity skill as you have to walk around the convention to find cosplayers with special identified accessories. Your team better be fast though, because there's a time limit.
  • Sneak a peek : This quest will test your observation, rapidity and attention to details skills. Be fast as you have to find all the mistakes in a few sets of pictures.
  • The emperor's way to knowledge : This will test general knowledge and rapidity. People will be asked to answer a few questions regarding anime, Japanese culture, manga, games, movies and much more. Get most of the questions right and you pass.
  • The drill : This would test your strength, stamina and endurance. Try to beat the Gym leader as he shows off his skills to impress and scare you away from your goal.
  • Beat it! : This will test knowledge and your listening skills. Listen to a song from either, anime, video games, American television show, J-pop singers, American or French singers or movie soundtracks and guess who sings it, what the title of the song is or where it's from?
  • Samurai Training : This one would test memory and agility. Try to follow the every move of the challenger and beat him at his own game.
  • Meli Melo : This will test strategy, logic and intelligence. You will have to solve the different puzzles the NPC will give you. If they pass most of the test they win. Rules will be explained during the game.
  • Guess what? Your sense of deduction and intuition will be tested. Your creativity in thinking will also be the key here. Beat the challenger to his own game and win!


LARPING: Live-Action role playing game. You act like the character you are cosplaying. To get most of this experience, be your character. J This is the goal of this game. Everyone must be in character J. The more the teams are into it, the more fun it is.

SPECIAL ITEMS: Helps your team through the hardships of your journey to save the world. There are 5 in total. A small description of the items will be provided to you!

NON-PLAYING CHARACTERS (NPC): These people are the actors hanging around the convention; you have to find them on the floors of the convention so they can help you out in your search. They will give you clues and quests to beat and clear the final quest. You will notice them by a flag with the words "Legion of Evil" attached to them!! This won't be easy, you will have to find, catch and beat them in a quest to advance further. They will be stationed in certain areas of the convention and will stay there. If after 15 minutes you still can't find the NPC, you can ask the COSMOS from the beginning to help you out. Do not be shy to ask questions, if you have any!

QUEST CARDS: These are to help you track down your progress as you go further into your journey. This will prove that there is no cheating. You need to show those cards to the challenger every time you see them. These cards will also provide to our NPC some additional information about your character's name and language.

QUESTS: These will be the tasks that will be required of you to advance in the game. Each member has to at least try one quest, otherwise it won't be fun for everybody!!! If you pass one quest, you will be given a clue and a quest item that will help you save the world. If you are about to fail a quest, there are special items to help you win or do it again. But be careful, some of the items will make you lose the clues.

QUEST ITEMS: You need to find 8 of them to save the world, but need only 6 to get to the final boss. They will represent elements such as: fire, water, earth, wind, light, darkness, metal, and wood. Without any of them, you will be unable to save the world. The 7TH and 8th one can be exchanged for extra clues with the challengers (NPC) only BEFORE you go back to complete the final quest! Once you have given your items away to Cosmos, you will only have the Seppuku card to help you find the Key word.

CLUES (KEY WORDS): As you complete all your quests, a clue will be given to you by the non-playing characters (NPC) to help you find the missing word (KEY) to save the world. These clues combined will help you guess the final word (KEY) during the final boss/quest. These clues will all have something in common with the final word (KEY) (i.e. clue #1 is FANTASY, clue #2 is COUNTDOWN and clue#3 is FLASH. Final word would be Final, because you can say FINAL fantasy, FINAL countdown and FINAL Flash). Also, these clues could have an indirect relationship with the final keyword, such as: clue #1 is Konoha, clue #2 is orange and clue #3 is ninja. The final word would be Naruto (He is from Konoha, wears orange and is a ninja). A clue will only be given if you pass a quest. You can still have a chance of finding the final word, even if you don't have all the clues, although it makes it harder to find the final word. When confronting the final boss, if you are missing clues, you can sacrifice up to two team members- one has to remain on the field to do the quest- in exchange for clues with the special item called seppuku. It is one clue per sacrifice. Please note that the sacrificed members will still be there and alive next to you, but won't participate for the final quest or be able to help you out.

THE KEY (FINAL WORD): This word will have to be found using the clues you will receive during your quests. This can only be used to defeat the final boss during the final quest. You cannot win the game without the final word.

FINAL QUEST à(final boss): Throughout the adventure, you will have to do some quests. When winning these quests, you will get clues (words). These clues (words) all have a link to the final quest. The final quest consists of a grid made of letters placed on the ground. Once you enter the room for the final quest, you will have to look at the clues (words) written on your quest card. These words are accumulated throughout the quests done. If your team does not have enough clues to find out the missing word in the grid, you can ask to sacrifice a member in exchange for another clue. One member has to remain on the field to place himself or herself on the grid. The final word on the grid is a 5 letter word. The sacrificed members cannot help the remaining one to find the final key word. It is highly suggested that you discuss the matter with your teammates as you go during your adventure. Once the word is found, your team will place themselves on the grid. For the missing people, cones will be given to place on the letters. Once every remaining player in on a letter in the grid, forming the word, you will say the word out loud. If it is the right word, you will win the game and claim your prize. If you fail, you'll be put aside to wait for your prizes while you allow the next team to take pursuit. Also, special items cannot help you in the final round except for the Seppuku item. 


***To help you in your game, you will have access to these special items that will come in handy while questing.***

THE SEPPUKU (FINAL QUEST ONLY): This card allows you to sacrifice one member of your team at the final quest for an extra clue. In order to beat the final boss, you will be required to find a word that can be related to all the other clues given during your other quests. If, by the time you arrive to the final quest, you do not have any idea of the final word, you can use this card to sacrifice one member of your team to get an extra clue to help you find the missing word. You can use this item as many times as you like only at THE FINAL QUEST!! Please keep in mind that you need at least one player left in the game to play.

RUN AWAY: This card allows you to run in the middle of your quest. If you feel like you are losing this game and there's no item to help you out, you can run away with your team and come back later to try it again. If you decide to run, you can't come back right away to the quest you were running away from. You have to at least try another quest before returning to that one. *** This cannot be used during the final quest*** THIS CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE!

PHOENIX DOWN: Each team has 3 phoenix downs. It can only be used once to revive your team from a failed quest. It allows you to re-do a quest. Please note that if you use this item, you lose the clue (word) for the quest you used it in. You can't use it during the final quest, so use it wisely.  Please note: if your team dies at the end of the game time, you will be able to pick up your prize with your team, whatever it is*** THIS CAN BE USED 3 TIMES! P.S you cannot use it more than once during one quest!

ULTIMA MATERIA- if you think you cannot succeed a quest; you can use it before the challenge begins. In that case, you do rock paper scissor with the challenger and if you win, you get the quest item and the clue, if you fail the rock paper scissor, you lose the quest and the item auto destructs. The item cannot be used again after. As a consequence, the clue will also get destroyed. THIS CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE!

FRIENDSHIP SPEECH- This allows to ask a fellow cosplayer to help you answer a question or help you clear a quest. It can be another member of your team OR someone outside of your team. THIS CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE! ***This can't be used during the final quest***


For more information please send an email to larp@otakuthon.com.