(NOTE: Certain Yaoithon activities are age-restricted and will require a piece of photo ID for admission. This ID must show the date of birth and will be checked at the door of each age-restricted event.)
What is it?
Yaoithon, a subdivision of Otakuthon, will be focusing on the yaoi community attending the convention. Due to the increasing popularity of yaoi with each and every year, we have created this new division to better meet the needs of this community. Encompassing any and all yaoi, Yaoithon will be covering shounen-ai and slash-related phenomena as well as related fandom and communities.
Events and activities
Yaoithon will have its own events so as to include as much of the yaoi community as possible. Panels, screenings and workshops will be slotted into Yaoithon programming. Please note that some activities and screenings will be reserved for a mature audience (either 16+ or 18+). Photo ID will be required to access these events.
Give us your input!
Tell us what you think Yaoithon should be like! Any and all input will be greatly appreciated. Submit your ideas, suggestions, projects, recommendations to yaoithon@otakuthon.com. We will integrate them into our plans to the best of our ability.
We need your help!
Help promote this subdivision of Otakuthon by spreading the word! It's also the best way to help ensure diversity and a high level of participation.
If you would like to help Yaoithon by hosting and/or organizing events, feel free to contact us at yaoithon@otakuthon.com with your availabilities. Thanks!
Contact us!
You can keep in touch with other fans, the event or its coordinators through on-going discussions on Otakuthon’s forums here. You can contact us directly at yaoithon@otakuthon.com.
Thank you to our Sponsors and Partners