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Virtual anime convention experience at home!

AUGUST 15-16, 2020

11:00 AM EDT
11:00 PM EDT


$20 CAD
$15 USD

Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitor Packages

Price$250 CAD$260 CAD$270 CAD
Included user accounts222
Booth display banners456
Text, audio and video chatYesYesYes
Video displayYesYesYes
Document download optionsYesYesYes
Booth attendance reportYesYesYes
Reserve a private chatYesYesYes
Product order formYesYesYes
Customizable booth design selections233

Pictures for illustration purposes only, final product may differ.

Key Contact Information

Exhibitor registration is now closed. We are no longer accepting applications. Thank you for your interest!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does document download mean?

It is a feature that allows exhibitors to display catalogue images or flyers for promotion on their booth.

2. What is included with each dealer space?

Each virtual exhibitor booth includes:

  • 2 booth user accounts
  • At least 4 custom display banners
  • Product order form
  • Functions to interact with attendees (public chat for text, audio, or videos calls)

3. What are the requirements to apply for a space in the virtual Exhibition Hall as a dealer?

a. To apply, a dealer must have received an invitation link from Otakuthon Dealers’ staff. This is due to limited capacity in the virtual space.

b. Each dealer must have their store website or an online shop platform (i.e., Shopify, PayPal Store, etc.).

c. Each dealer must respect the usual regulations of the convention concerning the merchandise. Commercial goods or services sold in the Dealers’ Area of the Exhibition Hall must be licensed products that may be imported, mass-produced, self-produced, etc. but must follow Otakuthon’s anti-bootleg policy.

  • Pirated, “bootleg”, unlicensed, or illegal materials may not be sold.
  • Dealers must be selling commercial goods and may not sell fan art.
  • Due to the virtual event being open to attendees under 18 years old, adult material and weapons are also prohibited in the virtual Exhibition Hall. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

If you are unsure if your merchandise follows Otakuthon’s regulations, please send an email to to verify with us.

4. May I purchase an Artist space AND a Dealer space?

No. You cannot register to be both an artist and a dealer.

5. What are the opening hours of the virtual Exhibition Hall?/ How active do exhibitors need to be during the convention?

The virtual convention is open from 11 AM to 11 PM, on Saturday, August 15, 2020, and Sunday, August 16, 2020. Exhibitors should be present to monitor the chatroom and accept potential call requests if attendees want to ask specific questions on merchandise.

6. What are the steps to apply as a dealer?

6.1. Fill out the online application form.

6.2. Once you receive a confirmation from the Dealers’ Area Staff (, you will receive a PayPal invoice so you can proceed with payment (we are not accepting physical payments at this time).

6.3. Once payment has been confirmed, you can optionally submit a catalogue/listing of your merchandise that will be displayed directly on your booth using the provided Excel sheet template (ex: item names, item numbers, item descriptions, number of items in stock, etc.).

Dealers must submit this Excel sheet to before July 24, 2020, 11:59 PM EDT. If the Excel sheet does not follow the template, it will not be accepted. If this sheet is not provided, attendees will need to visit your website to view and purchase your merchandise.

7. How do sales work during the convention?

Dealers with a product order form

Attendees can view the dealer’s product order form and add items to their cart shopping cart. When an order is placed, the attendee and exhibitor will both receive an email containing the list of items that the attendee would like to purchase along with the attendee’s email contact and shipping information. The exhibitor will need to contact the attendee to process their order form and send the payment request to the buyer (ex: redirect them to their own website, send a PayPal invoice, etc.).

Dealers without a catalogue of items

Attendees will only not have access to the Product Order Form section. Instead, only the booth’s description, documents, video and interaction functions will be available. The dealer may opt to have a direct link to their store website in the description and/or video/documents sections instead.

8. What are the payment methods for the exhibitor booth?

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we currently only accept payment via PayPal.

9. If I have a technical problem (website crash, cannot login, software bug, etc.) during the virtual convention, who do I contact?

You can contact or the information desk at the lobby of the virtual convention.