Otakuthon, one of the largest anime conventions in Canada, is organized entirely by volunteers who dedicate their time and effort to help put together an incredible event for the community.
Since its first edition in 2006, Otakuthon has attracted thousands of participants from Quebec and abroad as well as high profile guests, artists and exhibitors from all corners of the world. It has grown to be the largest bilingual anime convention in Canada.
As a volunteer run organisation, we are always on the lookout for passionate individuals who can contribute towards making Otakuthon a resounding success within the celebration of Japanese pop culture.
Gain the opportunity to put your skills to the test or rack up experience within a team-based environment, filled with like-minded fans of anime, manga and more!
You may volunteer for a long-term commitment by applying to our staff positions below. These positions are an essential part of the behind the scenes of Otakuthon.
If you’d prefer a shorter term commitment, we also need volunteers to help out with various tasks during the physical edition.
See an example of Staff and Volunteers informations from the 2019 edition.
Nothing here catches your eye ? Please email hr@otakuthon.com about your unique talents and interests, we might find an opportunity for you. We can also provide additional information.