World Cinematic Cosplay Summit Canadian Preliminaries
After the success of the World Cosplay Summit Video Division in 2021 and 2022, the World Cosplay Summit has decided to bring it back as its own unique contest—World Cinematic Cosplay Summit—and Canada has joined in on the fun. The focus of WCCS is storytelling, showcased in the form of cinematic video productions.
The Canadian preliminary for the World Cinematic Cosplay Summit will be held online in April 2024, with the winning team going on to represent Canada at the World Cinematic Cosplay Summit, live streamed in May 2024.
On this page
- General rules
- Timeline/Schedule
- Required information
- Rules and regulations
- Article 1: General points & Definitions
- Article 2: Themes, categories & participants
- Article 3: Participation conditions
- Article 4: Performance & Compulsory elements
- Article 5: Judging Criteria
- Article 6: Judging Method
- Article 7: Prizes of the contest
- Article 8: Jury
- Article 9: Limitations & safety
- Article 10: Disqualification & Penalties
- Article 11: Image property
If you have any questions, please email

General rules
- Teams of two (2) participants are permitted to enter. Each participant must be at least 18 years of age and a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident living in Canada on March 31, 2024.
- Costumes worn by the team must be of characters from the same source material.
- The source must be a Japanese anime, manga, video games, or tokusatsu. Costumes from non-Japanese source material, even if the source may have been made in Japan, are not allowed. (e.g. Costumes from the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime, the Genshin Impact anime, of Disney characters, etc. are not allowed.)
- The costumes do not need to be made by the participants. Bought or borrowed costumes are allowed.
- The participants must ensure their video entry is appropriate for all ages and sensibility.
- The video time limit is 2 minutes 30 seconds.
- The basic video editing must be done by the participants, however adding visual effects by someone other than the participants is allowed.
※ Basic video editing means the editing of the video to ensure the finished length of the video is no longer than 2:30 minutes. - It is not permitted to use
- background scenes or images from the original works, either direct copy or traced;
- music, sound effects, or the dialogue from the original work;
- music, sound effects, or visuals if the copyright holder is someone other than the participants, unless there is an explicit royalty-free license to use the works.
- Video specs:
Sound: Full Stereo, at least 192 kbps
Image: 1920×1080 pixels, Screen resolution 1080p, Aspect ratio 16:9 - Lists of all third-party help and sources (ex. Camera operators, editors, musicians, voices actors, sound sources, etc.) must be submitted with the final video.
- The winner of the Canadian preliminaries will represent Canada in the World Cinematic Cosplay Summit, which will be streamed online.
Applications open:
Applications close: March 15, 2024, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
All files (video, forms, etc) due: March 31, 2024, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Canadian Team announced: April 20, 2024 (Tentative)
World Cosplay Cinematic Summit: Mid-May 2024
Required information
With application
- Team name
- Team introduction (1-2 sentences)
- Costume source
- Characters being portrayed by each participant
- Short description of the video presentation
- For each team member
- Legal name
- Preferred name
- Pronouns
- Date of birth
- Mailing address
- Email address
- Confirmation of Canadian citizenship or permanent residency
- Cosplay alias
- List of social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, etc.)
- Photos for use on WCS Canada social media (3 photos total)
- Photo of the team together (does not need to be in costumes for the preliminaries)
- Photo of each team member separately (does not need to be in costume for the preliminaries)
By March 31 (if accepted)
- Proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent residency (e.g. passport, PR card, etc.)
- Reference images of characters being portrayed
- Picture of each participant standing in costume including wig, make-up, and accessories (front)
- Picture of each participant standing in costume including wig, make-up, and accessories (back)
- Final video submission
- Documentation
- Spoken lines and time stamps
- Camera information (model name) used for filming
- Locations used for filming
- Software used for video production
- Screen captures of project work files (editing, VFX, colour grading, audio mixing)
- Name of third parties involved in video production and role (if any)
- Music files used and their copyright/license information
- Sound files used and their copyright/license information
Rules and regulations
Article 1: General points & Definitions
- The present rules are for the World Cinematic Cosplay Summit Canadian Preliminaries, below named WCCS Canada, which is the Canadian selection for the World Cinematic Cosplay Summit (WCCS).
- Participation in the WCCS Canada depends on the approval and respect of the present rules.
- The two main cosplayers for each entry will be referred to as Participants.
- WCCS Canada is a video cosplay contest where participants are entering and being judged on various aspects of their video application.
- Even in such cases in which a performance includes a high number of original elements and reformulation from a subjective perspective, the performances shall demonstrate respect for the original work, without departing from its original setting or disdaining it by means of an inconsiderate interpretation.
- The project shall be based on creative inspiration, and the judgement of the characters and the video entries should reflect high production skills.
- The main organisers of this competition will be referred to as WCS Office.
- The Canadian organisation involved in this competition will be referred to as WCS Canada.
Article 2: Themes, categories & participants
- Participants may perform in costumes representing characters from anime, manga, video games and tokusatsu published by a Japanese company or IP.
- Participants must enter as a duo. Their costumes must be from the same source (no crossover)
- The participants must ensure their video entry is open to any public of any age and sensibility.
- In case of litigation about the legitimacy of the material, WCS Canada and the WCS Office have the final decision.
Article 3: Participation conditions
- The participants are a pair of cosplayers.
- Shop-purchased and commissioned costumes/accessories are allowed.
- Participants are allowed to receive help in the crafting of their costumes and accessories.
- Participants are allowed to receive help from third parties in the production of their video performance. This help can happen in the form of technical support behind the camera or even as extras. If third parties are involved as extras their roles must be kept to a minimum.
- Participants must be at least 18 years of age on March 31, 2024.
- The participants' must either be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada possessing proof of citizenship (ex. passport, citizenship card) or permanent resident card.
- Participants cannot participate in the selection of another country as participants or judges, if they are entering or judging the Canadian preliminaries in the same season.
- Participants cannot be part of the current WCS Team Canada as selected at the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) Canadian Preliminaries.
Article 4: Performance & Compulsory elements
- Participants must provide all information requested by WCS Canada and the WCS Office. Failing to comply will result in the entry labelled as invalid.
- The maximum duration of the video performance produced by the participants is 2 minutes 30 seconds.
- Participants must provide a script including the synopsis, spoken lines and time stamps. Any video file application mustn't present any 'hardcoded' subtitles.
- Participants must provide reference images for the costumes, and pictures of them in the costumes including wig, make-up & accessories (standing front & back).
- In addition to the completed video, all the information regarding resources related to the video production, such as effects, animations, and pictures must be provided.
- All the files used for music and sound effects used in the editing of the video shall be provided along with the copyrights/licence information if applicable.
- Whenever third persons other than the participants have been involved in the production of the video, either their cosplayer name or nickname or their real name shall be provided as well.
- Should any of the participants' information or documents sent to the WCS Office prove to be wrong or missing, the Organizers and/or the representatives will have 48 hours to correct the information or documents requested.
- Any incomplete application will be considered invalid.
Article 5: Judging Criteria
- Costume Quality & Appearance (20 pts)
The overall quality and look of the costumes. How well and accurate they are compared to the original reference and how good they look on film. The quality and look of the materials, fabric, accessories, wigs, make-up, and other details will influence the grade. - Embodiment of characters (20 pts)
How well the cosplayer is embodying the character they are cosplaying. This is not related to the costume or the physical features, but the overall attitude of the cosplayer and the interpretation of the character in their personality, habits, and gimmicks. - Acting (50 pts)
The criterion covers how well the cosplayers are acting during their video performance. How convincing and expressive they are, and how well they convey emotions through their acting. The more they drag us into their storytelling the higher the grade. - Video direction (20 pts)
This criterion evaluates the overall storytelling and visual creativity of your cosplay video. Judges will assess how effectively you convey the narrative of your cosplay performance through camera work, composition, and creative direction. Consider the framing of shots, the dynamic use of angles, or visual elements that contribute to the overall impact. A strong video direction should seamlessly guide viewers through your story, emphasising the characters personalities and the essence of your performance. - Video editing (20 pts)
This criterion assesses the technical proficiency and creativity in the editing process. Judges will consider how well you synchronise footage, apply transitions, and use effects to enhance the overall visual appeal of your cosplay video. Effective editing should contribute to a seamless and engaging viewing experience, emphasising the strengths of your story and performance. - Lighting/Photography (20 pts)
This criterion evaluates the use of light and photographic techniques to showcase your cosplay. Judges will consider the quality and creativity of lighting setups, as well as the composition of shots. A well-lit and expertly photographed video enhances the visibility of costume details and brings out the best in your performance and all the emotions intended. - Sound & Music (20 pts)
This criterion focuses on the audio elements of your video performance. Judges will evaluate how well you utilise sound effects, music, and overall audio quality to complement and elevate your cosplay presentation. The integration of audio should enhance the mood, atmosphere, and storytelling, creating a well-rounded and immersive viewing experience. - Script/Screenplay (20 pts)
This criterion assesses the narrative structure and storytelling aspects of your cosplay video. Judges will consider the effectiveness of your script (including possible dialogs), and how well your video follows a coherent storyline or theme. A compelling script and screenplay contribute to a more engaging and memorable cosplay presentation, allowing viewers to connect with the character you are portraying. - X Factor (10 pts)
An additional evaluation from the individual viewpoint of each member of the jury regarding elements that cannot be measured within the criteria of points, such as how much the video features imaginative and original ideas that provide appeal and entertainment value, or how much it achieves in immersing the viewer in the story.
Article 6: Judging Method
- Each judge is to evaluate the representative cosplayers' video performance following the criteria detailed in Article 5: Judging criteria. The video must last a maximum duration of 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Once each judge has scored the video performance, all their scores will be added and averaged to define the final ranking.
- Judging is to be carried out evaluating all the presented elements of the character that the representatives request to be included as a part of the evaluation. Costumes (one or more per representative, if there is a costume change during the performance), make-up, wigs, and hand props are all to be judged, but the average score is to be determined only with the points of the elements subject to evaluation. All the elements deemed indispensable to portray the character are to be considered a part of the costume and can be subject to judging. Elements that are not worn by the cosplayers but placed in the scene of action (objects to be used as assistance for the performance) cannot be subject to costume judging.
- Since the degree of accomplishment of the video is the most important element for judging, judges will carry out their judging in advance so they can check details as necessary, and they will be allowed to watch the entries several times if required to decide the score.
- The final placement result by the total score is decided on a scale of 200 points (total of criterion from A to I from Article 5: Judging Criteria).
- An average score is to be calculated from the scores of the members of the jury.
- Should the final score result in a tie; the ranking will be determined at the discretion of the judges of the Video Judging.
- Scores will not be released to the public nor to any of the participating teams. The judges may also request input from the directors of WCS Canada during their deliberations.
Article 7: Prizes of the contest
- All prizes are intended for the two registered participants. No third party involved in the video production is eligible for the prizes set for the event.
- Canadian Preliminaries
- WCS Canada will select one pair of participants as representatives for Canada.
- The selected participants' video performance will be used for the Championship phase of the WCCS.
- The selected participants will be granted the status of WCS Canada Alumni and WCS Alumni.
- WCS Canada may add additional prizes without prior notice.
- Championship phase
- All selected participants from the different countries will then compete for the Grand Champion title.
- The participants winning the title will be invited to WCS in Japan, taking place early August, in the ongoing year.
- WCS Office will book and pay for the participants' flights, as well as their accommodation for the duration of the activities of WCS 2024.
- The WCS Office may add additional prizes without prior notice.
Article 8: Jury
- Judging is to be carried out by a panel of jury members selected by WCS Canada.
- The jury members can be from different backgrounds from cosplay to video production.
- The WCS Canada will provide information about the jury members.
- The jury members will give a score to each completed and validated video entry according to the criteria and method detailed in articles 5 & 6.
Article 9: Limitations & safety
- Performance information & conditions
- To ensure the safety of the participants, the use of dangerous weapons such as shop-purchased imitation swords, katana, or similar items with processed metal edges, blunt instruments, and firearms is prohibited.
- Additionally, performances in which actual fire is lit, or in which dangerous substances requiring special care in handling, are also prohibited.
- Contents that violate the guidelines of the streaming platforms, like those detailed in points a) to f) will be prohibited.
The following points are just a partial extract of platform guidelines, and participants shall refer to their full text for the details.
Ex. YouTube Community Guidelines: The use of official illustrations or logos from the WCS or official logos; images edited into the video; copyrighted animation or special effects; copyrighted sound effects; and copyrighted music from other original works or violating someone's copyright.
- Excessive sexual expression or narration.
- Detestable violent expressions such as an immoderate depiction of blood or vomit, assault, and torture.
- Contents instigating hate speech, suicide, and bullying.
- Political messages or propaganda.
- Video challenges that can cause serious injury or encourage the possibility of it.
- Rules for the use of background music and videos are as follows:
- Music used in the video must be played or created by participants' if it is music that would otherwise be subject to rights management by JASRAC, or it must be copyright-free music and sound clips. WCS Canada will confirm that no sound sources used in the participants' video incur copyright infringement.
- It is allowed to use the mother tongue of the participants, whereas dubbing in unrecognisable Japanese will be rejected.
- The use of copyrighted background music or the voices of voice actors from original works and the copying or tracing of scenes or images appearing in original works for use in the videos, and sources, where the copyright holder is someone other than the participants is not permitted.
- The basic video editing must be done by the participants, however adding CG or visual effects done by someone other than the representatives is allowed with credit to them.
※ Basic video editing means the editing of the video and to ensure the finished length of the video is no longer than 2:30 minutes. - Shooting without permission in public places or private places which are not the property of the team, as well as 'guerrilla-style' unpermitted shooting, is prohibited.
- It is allowed to feature persons other than the members of the team participating as extras, as well as creating characters by means of techniques such as animation or CG, but the two participants shall be clearly denoted as performing as the main characters. Also, in the case of creating characters, these shall not be produced copying or tracing original designs, as specified in c.
- Extras used as support characters can't be featured for more than 20 seconds for the video performance. The same extra can participate with additional characters following the same restrictions.
- Sound: Full Stereo at least 192 kbps
Image: 1920×1080 pixels, Screen resolution 1080p, Aspect ratio 16:9.
File format: MOV, MP4, AVI, or WMV. - Only for the selected Canadian representatives for the WCCS Championships, Japanese and English subtitles will be displayed on the lower fourth part of the display for any lines spoken during the performance. The WCS Office is to arrange the subtitles, and therefore it is not necessary to add them to the video in advance. The subtitles will be shown in accordance with the timing of lines that have been included in the storyboard in Japanese or English.
- WCS Canada will check and ensure that the contents of the video submissions do not violate any of the regulations. The WCS Canada or WCS Office may ask for an edition of the video submission if it considers that the contents of the video submission are dangerous or pose ethical problems. In such a case, a period between 48 and 72 hours will be given for the editing of the video.
- In the case of planning to use special expression methods not listed in the rules, consult with the Organizers of your country or region in advance, sending some document with information about the planned expression method, and include the details in the script.
- There must be a consideration for safety and environment at filming locations, and filming shall be done in accordance with national and local regulations.
Article 10: Disqualification & Penalties
- For entries exceeding the limit of 2:30 minutes, a 10% deduction of the score in Video Judging will be applied for every 5 seconds over time, and the score will be 0 for videos over 2:46 minutes.
- In case documents are received after the submission deadline, a 10% deduction of the score will be applied for every 24 hours of delay in submission, and a score of 0 points will be awarded without judgement in case the delay exceeds 48 hours.
- Additionally, in the case that WCS Canada requests the correction of documents determined to be incomplete or in error, it is required to resend a corrected version of the documents addressing the defects indicated from WCS Canada within 24 hours from the communication of the request. In this case, as well, a 10% deduction of the judging score will be applied for every 24 hours of delay, and a score of 0 points will be awarded without judgement in case the delay exceeds 72 hours.
- In case there is a delay in both the submission deadline and resubmission, the penalties are to be applied cumulatively. (Ex. Delay exceeding 24 hours from the submission deadline: 10% + delay exceeding 24 hours in resubmission: 10%, for a total deduction of 20% of the judging score.)
- The point reduction caused by overdue will be applied by the WCS Canada.
- It is allowed for the representatives to perform as multiple characters, but in the case of characters such as those performed by extras, these are excluded from scoring when it comes to Judging criteria A, B and C. The use of commercially available costumes for the extras is also allowed. It is not allowed for both representative cosplayers to be out of the frame for a period of more than 15 seconds consecutively.
When this time limit is exceeded, Judging points will be deducted as follows:- 15.1 - 16 seconds: 5 points deduction
- 16.1 - 17 seconds: 5 points deduction
- Hereafter, 5 points deduction for every second in excess
- For an excess time of 20 seconds or more, an unconditional score of 0 will apply to Judging.
- Any extra featured as a support character for more than 20 seconds, will result in a penalty applied as follows:
- 0.1 - 1 seconds: 5 points deduction
- 1.1 - 2 seconds: 5 points deduction
- Hereafter, 5 points deduction for every second in excess
- For an excess time of 5 seconds or more, an unconditional score of 0 will apply to Judging.
- If details of the original costume are changed (i.e., parts added for augmented purposes or effects.) they still must be respectful of the original work. Customization is tolerated, but fan created works as the likes of gender-bent, ginjika or mash-up versions of the characters in the performance are not allowed. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the entry deemed as invalid and thus won't be judged.
- If an issue arises upon which it is difficult to decide regarding a participant's costume, it will be discussed and judged by the WCS Office.
Article 11: Image property
- By agreeing with the rules, the participants allow every picture or video provided for or taken during the event to be used for means of communications or promotion of this contest without any financial compensation.
- After the WCCS Championship, videos and photos from the participants will remain the WCS Office's property and could be used in various uses as promotional material. In addition, in the event of a DVD, website, photobook or other material production, there won't be any financial compensation.
- As for WCS Canada and the WCS Office, they promise that the pictures comply with the ethics and the law. Every picture degrading an individual, pornography and violence are strictly forbidden.
- This authorization lasts for three years. The WCS Office may ask to prolong that period with the agreement of the participants.
If you have any questions, please email