Thomas Burelli

Thomas Burelli — French Guest
Thomas Burelli is a professor of law in the civil laws department of the University of Ottawa. In 2021, he decided to reconnect with one of his old hobbies and created a university course on video game law. This was the first course of its kind in French in Canada. With his colleague and friend Alexandre Lillo, he adapted this course using some video game basics: international negotiation simulations, role playing games, stealth games and other genres. In 2020, to counteract the negative social aspects of the pandemic, with Alexandre Lillo, he recreated the law department at the University of Ottawa in the game Minecraft. In 2021, breaking their promise to never create a video game, they began to create a game based on video game law: Reset 2047. The game is used today as an educational resource and is available for free for the entire community.