Contrary to last year, Concordia University will no longer allow us to
book its facilities for free. This sudden decision has had a profound
impact on our budget; consequently, we have been pushed to charge for
a registration fee. Donations are still welcome and will be very much
Pre-registration admission will be 15$. Children aged 12 or under will
be admitted free of charge and must be accompanied by an adult (18+).
Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Attendees who pre-register will
avoid long line-ups, avoid the need to fill out the forms to register
on the day of the convention, and be given the option of ordering an Otakuthon
T-shirt that can be picked up during at the convention.
In addition, tickets for the J-Pop concert and the masquerade may be
purchased at lower price through pre-registration. Theater tickets are
limited, so sign-up for one now before they are sold out!
Group pre-registration: A new addition this year, group pre-registration will be available
Registration at the door will be 20$. Children aged 12 or under will be
admitted free of charge and must be accompanied by an adult (18+).
All attendees who register at the door must fill out a registration form
before they are given a convention badge which permits entrance to all rooms
reserved for the event.
The availability of T-shirts and theatre tickets are not guaranteed at the door and will most likely not be available. Please use
pre-registration to order a T-shirt or theatre ticket.