Volunteer FAQ
FAQ: Step by step
Please note that we cannot accept all volunteer applications, as space is limited (we DO appreciate your desire to help us make Otakuthon as successful as possible, though). When volunteer shifts are allocated, preference will be given to applicants who have requested at least 15 hours of volunteering.
1. Why should I volunteer for Otakuthon?
2. What can I do as a volunteer?
3. What are the requirements?
4. Useful information
5. How and where do I apply?
6. More useful information
1. Why should I volunteer for Otakuthon?
We have different levels of perks, based on the number of hours volunteered. Check out our Volunteer Rewards page for more information! Volunteering is also a great way to meet new people with similar interests!
2. What can I do as a volunteer?
We have many tasks available. Visit the tasks page for additional information.
3. What are the requirements?
Do I have to pay the convention's entrance fee even if I'm a volunteer?
Yes. However, a reimbursement system is available for volunteers.
I'm 14 years old but turning 15 right after Otakuthon, may I still volunteer?
No. All volunteers must be 15 years of age or older (no exceptions). If you're turning 15 just before the convention starts, please provide us with an identification card with your birth date (e.g. health insurance card, student opus card, etc.).
Do I have to pre-register in order to volunteer?
Yes, pre-registration is mandatory to become a volunteer. It is important that you provide the account number from your pre-registration on your volunteer application form. Your badge can be picked-up starting on Thursday, August 4, 2016 at noon.
I got accepted as a volunteer, but it says I should be present at the volunteer orientation session. Do I need to attend?
Yes. All volunteers (both returning and new recruits) must attend at least one volunteer orientation session to get up-to-date with the latest information. Should you miss the orientation session, please send us an email to volunteers@otakuthon.com with your justification.
4. Useful information
How many hours do I need to volunteer for a full refund?
20 hours are required for a full refund. You may also choose to complete 5, 10, 15 or 25+ hours. Please refer to the Volunteer Rewards program for more details on the advantages of volunteering for more hours.
My personal information is private and I do not wish to share it with Otakuthon, is that okay?
To be able to volunteer, the requested information must be provided. Be assured that it will not be disclosed publicly and will be only used internally or in the event of an emergency.
What benefits do I get for volunteering during the night shift?
Each hour volunteered during the night shifts (11pm to 8am) will be counted as 1.5 volunteer hours (e.g. if you volunteer for 5 hours during the night shift, they will count as 7.5 hours).
NOTE: You must be 18 years of age or older to volunteer during the night shift.
Do I get any breaks on my shifts?
Otakuthon appreciates the help and acknowledges the hard work of its volunteers. Rest assured, you will get breaks during your shifts. More details will be offered during the volunteers' training session.
May I take pictures while I volunteer?
It is not recommended to carry cameras or other valuables while you're carrying out your tasks as you might lose them. Taking pictures is acceptable as long as you tend to your duties.
May I cosplay while I volunteer? Can I stop and pose for a photo during my shift if someone asks?
Feel free to cosplay when you're volunteering; however, please refrain from posing too long for pictures. When volunteering, your priority is to carry out your assigned tasks and help the convention run smoothly. Be sure that your cosplay does not obstruct the path (too large or bulky) or hinder your ability to complete your tasks.
How do I get reimbursed as a volunteer? What if I can't pick up my reimbursement in person?
Reimbursements will take place during the convention (time and location will be announced during the volunteer orientation sessions). If you are not able to pick up your reimbursement, please contact volunteers@otakuthon.com as soon as possible as unclaimed reimbursements will not be carried over into future years.
Please note that any reimbursements that have not been collected before Sunday August 28, 2016 will be voided and therefore no longer available.
Is there a warnings system this year? How does it work?
We use the "three strikes" system. Depending on the severity of a mistake/error, a warning may be issued. Here are some of the reasons where warnings are issued: harassment, abuse, laziness, disrespect, theft, late arrivals, not showing up for your assigned shift, poor performance, disregarding rules, unacceptable behavior, etc. On the third warning, you will be banned from volunteering at Otakuthon. Please be aware of your attitude and actions toward participants and staff.
5. How and where do I apply?
How do I sign up to be a volunteer?
- You must first complete the volunteer application.
- Once your application has been approved, you will receive an email with an attached document (waiver form). This form needs to be filled out and handed in at the orientation session as well as your proof of purchase with displayed registered badge number in order to confirm your application.
- The orientation session will take place in June or July. When the date is set, an email will be sent out to all volunteers. You must attend the session. Please confirm your presence. Note that anyone who did not apply to be a volunteer for Otakuthon 2016 will not be allowed to attend.
If I want to apply for a specific volunteer position, what do I need to do?
The best way is to apply as early as you can and to attend the volunteer orientation session. In the application form, we will ask you to give out your 1st and 2nd choice of position so that if ever you don't get your first choice, you could get your second. However, if you do not receive your 1st or 2nd choice, you will automatically be placed where there are available shifts.
Note: All volunteers will be assigned some badge or I.D. verification duty regardless of your preferences. In order to avoid giving long badge check shifts to only a few volunteers, we decided to equally divide the hours amongst everyone.
Do our availabilities in the application form act as our shifts?
No. Your shifts and schedule will be given to you after the attended orientation session.
I have not received a reply from the Otakuthon volunteers department since I applied.
Please allow up to two weeks to process your request and reply. After that, you may follow up with your request by emailing volunteers@otakuthon.com.
6. More useful information
Volunteer Operations Open Hours (Room 440)
Thursday : 8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: 7:00 am - 1:00 am
Sunday: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (teardown room)
Palais des congrès Tour Times (Thursday only)
11:00 am, 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm
Volunteers Bag Check Hours
Friday: 8:00 am - 1:00 am
Saturday: 8:00 am - 1:00 am
Sunday: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm
We are not responsible for any thefts or damage. Please avoid bringing valuables.
Reimbursement & Rewards Hours
Saturday: 3:00 pm - 1:00 am
Sunday: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Please note that any reimbursements that have not been collected before Sunday August 28, 2016 will be voided and therefore no longer available.
If you need additional information, do not hesitate to ask any questions relevant to volunteering for Otakuthon by email to volunteers@otakuthon.com.
Thank you to our Sponsors and Partners