J-Music in Motion
Have you ever wanted to sing and dance with others who share a passion for Japanese music on a big stage? If you are a singer, a dancer or someone that can do both, then J-Music in Motion is just the show for you! J-Music in Motion is a show created by the J-Music in Motion team and the participants together to create a unique experience every year! It aims to feature the best of what music in Japan has to offer, whether it be singing or dancing, while placing emphasis on the combination of the two.
Not sure you got what it takes to be on stage? Our team will coach you on your weak spots so that you can become a better performer overall. Not sure what song to choose or what song would suit you? Our team will pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, discuss your music preferences and help suggest a song where you can perform at your best!
Rules and Regulations
General Information
All individuals or groups who would like to participate in JMM must fill out an audition form and provide a picture as reference.
Although J-Music in Motion is based in Montreal, anyone from around the world can audition. If accepted, you must arrange for your own transport and lodgings for the weekend of August 7-9, 2015 when Otakuthon 2015 will be held.
Applicants who are accepted will receive a free weekend badge for Otakuthon 2015.
All participants must be available during the last 2 weeks of July for rehearsals. It is obligatory to attend at least one of these rehearsals.
All participants must be available on Friday, August 7, 2015 for a dress rehearsal. You must also be available on Saturday, August 8, 2015 for one last run-through and the actual performance.
Audition Information
All auditions will be done via video audition. You may submit up to 3 videos total. Videos must be either uploaded to Youtube as unlisted or to a file-sharing site such as Mediafire.
Each video should be in one of the following categories:
Singing only:
You must sing for at least 90 seconds (or wherever seems appropriate to stop, such as up to and including the first chorus) to an official instrumental track. Your lyrics must be memorized.
Dancing only:
You must dance for at least 90 seconds (or wherever seems appropriate to stop, such as up to and including the first chorus).
Singing & dancing:
You must sing and dance while holding a "microphone" (such as a full water bottle for example). You must perform for at least 90 seconds (or wherever seems appropriate to stop, such as up to and including the first chorus) to an official instrumental track. Your lyrics must be memorized.
Important notes:
If your audition song is the same one you would like to perform at JMM, then the song must be in Japanese. If your audition song is only to showcase your talents, then the song does not have to be in Japanese. Please indicate clearly on the audition form which category your song is in.
Audition Deadline
Many of JMM's participants vary from high school students to university students. Since these institutions do not end all at the same time in the year, the JMM staff will be accepting auditions until June 14, 2015.
However, this does not mean that you should send in your audition at the last minute! The earlier you submit your auditions, the earlier you can receive feedback on your performances. This will better your performance for Otakuthon, as well as getting first priority on songs you would like to perform and increasing the number of songs you are allowed to perform.
Audition Criteria
- Stage presence: Are you confident when performing, while utilizing the stage effectively?
- Energy and charisma: Are you putting in enough energy and showing personality in your performance?
- Vocal talent: Are you singing all the notes on key? Are you singing with the appropriate amount of power and volume?
- Pronunciation: Are you pronouncing the words properly so that they are understandable?
- Skill: How well can you execute the difficulty of your song/dance?
- Quality of dance: Are you executing the dance moves properly and paying attention to detail?
Making the Cut
If you have made the cut, you will receive an email concerning your audition with feedback, as well as discussing what songs you will be performing at JMM 2015. It is important to send videos every couple of weeks to the JMM staff, so that they can monitor your progress. If JMM staff are available, they can also sit in on practices and provide advice.
If you have any questions, please email jmusic@otakuthon.com.
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