Academic Guests
Thomas Lamarre — —

Thomas Lamarre is a tenured professor of East Asian Studies and Communications at McGill University. He is the author of three books dealing with the history of media in Japan:Shadows on the Screen: Tanizaki Jun'ichirô on Cinema and Oriental Aesthetics (2005), Uncovering Heian Japan: An Archaeology of Sensation and Inscription (2000) and The Anime Machine : A Media Theory of Animation (2009). He is also the editor of several volumes such as Impacts of Modernities (with Kang Nae-hui, 2003), Against Preemptive War(with Tani Barlow, Yukiko Hanawa and Donald Lowe, 2004), and in Mechademia (with Christopher Bolton and Frenchy Lunning): Circuits of Desire (2007), The Limits of the Human (2008), War/Time (2009), Fanthropologies (2010), User Enhancement (2011), Lines of Sight (2012), and Tezuka's Manga Life (2013).
Martin Picard — —

Martin Picard is a lecturer at Université de Montréal and Université Laval where he teaches Japanese Cinema and Literature, Video Game Aesthetic and History, and Game Design. In 2013, he received a year-long grant from the Japan Foundation as part of a research project on Japanese video game culture at Wako University, Tokyo. Previously, he had completed a postdoctoral internship at McGill University and obtained his PhD in Cinema and Literature from Université de Montréal. He has published several articles and books chapters in scientific journals and publications dedicated to video games and Japanese pop culture. Next fall, he will be a Visiting Professor at Leipzig University in Germany for a research project on Japanese video games.
Bernard Perron — —

Bernard Perron is a tenured professor in the Art History and Film Study department at Université de Montréal. He co-directed Routledge The Video Game Theory Reader (2003), The Video Game Theory Reader 2 (2009), and The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies (2014), and also Figures de violence (l'Harmattan, 2012), The Archives: Post-Cinema and Video Game Between Memory and the Image of the Present (Mimesis, 2014) and Z pour Zombies (Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2015). He also directed Horror Video Games: Essays on the Fusion of Fear and Play (McFarland, 2009). He wrote Silent Hill: The Terror Engine (The University of Michigan Press, 2012), published in Landmark Video Games, the work collection he is co-directing. His research has to do with video games, horror, interactive cinema, cognition, narration and the game in narrative cinema. For more information, visit the web platform of the video game observation and documentation university Lab (LUDOV) of Université de Montréal:
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