Frequently Asked Questions for Artists
Registration for Premium Artists 2016 will open on April 15, 2016 at 9pm to 11pm EST.
Registration for Regular Artists 2016 will open on April 22, 2016 at 9pm to 11pm EST.
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for any inquiries. The Premium Artist Contract and Regular Artist Contract also contain more detailed information.
If you have any questions, please contact our Artists' Area staff.
Before the convention
What is the Artists' Area and where is it located?
The Artists' Area is a space provided for artists who wish to sell and promote their artwork, as well as draw new works on commission. It can be found in the Exhibition Hall (room 220ABCD), along with the Dealer Area, Garage Sale, and the Art Gallery.
What are the operating hours of the Artists' Area?
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Setup |
8:00 am - 11:00 am |
9:00 am - 10:00 am |
9:00 am - 10:00 am |
Open |
11:00 am - 8:00 pm |
10:00 am - 7:00 pm |
10:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Tear Down |
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm |
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm |
What is the difference between a Premium Artist and a Regular Artist?
Premium Artists |
Regular Artists |
Table Size |
Full table (8'x2.5') |
Full table (6'x2.5') |
Price |
$250 CAD |
$150 CAD |
Displays |
Permitted with certain conditions. |
Not permitted. |
Displays: stands and structures |
Must not exceed 9 feet above the table. |
Must not exceed 5 feet above the table. |
What are the prices for tables?
Premium Artists |
Regular Artists |
Table Size |
Full table (8'x2.5') |
Full table (6'x2.5') |
Price |
$250 CAD |
$150 CAD |
What is included in the purchase of a table?
ONE (1) Exhibitor's badge is included in the price of every type of table. Full tables include TWO (2) chairs. Each table will be dressed with a white cloth, but we encourage Artists to bring their own to cover their merchandise before closing.
What is the new process for applications?
Due to the increasing number of artist applications, the process of selecting artists is now a mix between the first-come, first-served, as well as the lottery system. 66% of the artist applications will be selected through the first-come, first-serve process, while the remaining 33% will be selected based on a lottery system. This new process applies to both Premium and Regular Artists.
This means that 38 Premium Artists, and 101 Regular Artists will go through the first-come, first-serve process. The remaining 14 Premium Artists and 51 Regular Artists will be selected based on a lottery system.
What is the process for applying for a table?
The Application process is now a two-step process. The Application form and the Registration form.
The first step will involve the Artist filling and submitting the Application form containing basic information. Once this form is completed, the Artists' Area staff will receive an email with a time-stamp. The first 66% of the artists will receive their respective contract, as well as the Registration form to begin the second step within 48-72 hours after the registration closes. The other 33% part of the lottery system will receive the necessary documentation (contract and the Registration form) within the following week based on the results of the lottery. The remaining artists will also receive a response and be placed on a waiting list and will be notified should a table be freed. Receiving the contract does not guarantee the artist a table.
The Registration form will include more detailed information to finalize the details of an Artists' table registration. The Registration form must be submitted and the table must be paid within 10 business days for the application to be completed.
What is the difference between the Fire sale list and the Waiting list?
Artists who do not make it through the application process will all automatically be added to the waiting list. They may be contacted any time prior to the convention once an Artist cancels their table.
The Fire sale list is a separate list for Artists who wish to be contacted in the case of No-show Artists on the first day of the convention (Friday) and are ready to setup their table for the remaining days of the convention. Thus, the Fire sale list is meant for those who can come as an Artist at Otakuthon within short notice with their own artwork and crafts. These tables will be sold at a discounted price as the Artists' Area staff will consider the first day null.
Requesting to be placed on the Fire sale list does not affect your position on the Waiting list.
I am a minor, can I still apply to the Artists' Area?
No. All Artists must be 18 years or older. Helpers must be 16 years or older.
How many tables can I reserve?
Artists may only apply for ONE (1) Artist Table at a time. Should an Artists' artwork or craftsmanship be found on sale in multiple Artist Tables, the Artist in question will be subject to the Three Strike Rule.
Can I purchase an Artist table AND a Dealers' table?
No. It is only possible to book ONE (1) table in the Artists' Area or the Dealer Area. The two are mutually exclusive.
Can I share my table with another Artist?
Sharing a full table with another person means that the person who makes the purchase will be responsible for everything related to the conduct of all persons at the Artist Table, as well as the Artist Table itself (merchandise, displays, etc.).
Can I purchase a table for a single day?
No, Artists must be present at their table throughout the entire convention. Should an artist leave their table before the convention has finished, they will less likely be able to obtain a table in the following years.
I've submitted my Application, but would like to make changes, who should I contact?
In the event of wanting to make changes to your Artist Application after submitting it, please contact our Artists' Area staff at with as much information as possible.
First Name:
Last Name:
Brief explanation of what you would like to change:
What can and cannot be sold at artist tables?
Can be sold:
- You must own the copyright for all artwork sold at your table.
- Artwork that has been created entirely by the selling Artist.
Cannot be sold:
- Manipulated images and/or images copied from official artwork, and the use of official logos.
- Replicas of existing merchandise. This includes but is not limited to Chobit ears, Naruto headbands, Mokona hats, etc.
- Food may not be sold or distributed.
- Certain creators have expressed their wishes to not have fanworks sold during conventions. As such, Artists' Area does not permit 'Homestuck' and 'Welcome to Night Vale' fanworks. This list may change without further notice based on the creators.
'Undertale' has specific policy in regards to fanworks. The full policy and details are available on their official blog.
How can I add Artist helpers after Applications?
If you want to add a helper to your artists' group, your helper must purchase a badge via the regular pre-registration system. Once the badge is obtained, your helper will receive an account number. Send the following information to the Artists' Area email:
First Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Name on the Badge:
Badge ID number:
Is this helper an Otakuthon staff member? If so, which department, and which position?
Please note that the addition of helpers will not be accepted 4 weeks prior to the convention and from then on. Therefore, you have until July 9, 2016 for adding helpers.
Can I sell artwork from another artist if I have their permission?
If the original artist has consented to the reselling of their artwork or craftsmanship, they will need to fill in a letter of consent and provide that to the Artists' Area staff before the convention as proof.
Do you accept out of country artists?
Yes, however, all artists out of country are responsible for their own respective laws in regards to dealing with seller permits, work visas and other applicable laws and regulations.
I am part of a club, collective, or college, can I get an Artist table?
If you are representing a club (ex: a Comic Book Club), or are part of a collective, you are eligible for a table if you have participated in the artworks or craftsmanship that will be on sale. You will have to go through the same application process as all artists as we do not prioritize or privilege all individuals or groups based on this. There is no guarantee that you will obtain a table.
How do I cancel my table? Will I receive a refund?
In the event that you cannot attend Otakuthon or do not wish to keep your table, please contact the Artists' Area Director as soon as possible to make alternate arrangements. Refunds will be issued on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Artists' Area Director. Please note that badges are not refundable, and there will be a minimum penalty of 50% of the table's reservation fee.
During the Convention
How do I obtain electricity and/or Internet services during the convention?
Electricity, telephony or Internet services may be ordered from the Palais des congrès de Montréal facilities. Advanced arrangements must be made or additional fees will apply if you order during Otakuthon. Please fill out the request forms directly on the website of the Palais des congrès at .
Can I bring my own chairs in addition to the ones available at the tables?
Full tables include TWO (2) chairs. No additional chairs will be provided or permitted.
Can I eat at my table?
Yes. Artists are allowed to eat food within the Artists' Area as long as they keep their space clean. Please remember to eat and stay hydrated during the length of the convention!
Can I ask a staff member to watch my table?
If you wish to have someone watch your table (i.e. helpers), they must be signed up in your Artist Group. Only staff and attendees with an Exhibitor Badge may operate behind a table in the Artists' Area.
How many people can stay at a table during the convention?
A maximum of two persons are allowed behind a full table at all times even if the Artist Group contains more than two members.
After closing, will my merchandise be safe?
The Palais des congrès de Montréal's cleaning staff will be inside the Exhibition Hall after closing. Security guards will monitor the Exhibition Hall overnight during the cleaning on Friday and Saturday. Otakuthon will not be responsible for any losses that occur during the convention.
If I have any issues during the convention, who should I go to?
If you encounter any issues during the convention, please seek out an Artist Area staff member of volunteer. They will be wearing the Otakuthon bandana, and will be walking around the Exhibition Hall at all times during the convention.
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