
Date: Saturday August 17th 2019
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Main Events Room - Room 210
Think you have a great costume and want to show it off? The Masquerade gives you a chance to do it on stage in a really big way! Come show off your costumes to the rest of the world and to our panel of experienced cosplayer judges who will decide the winners and present awards based on the quality of their costumes and presentations.
Don’t have a costume? Come anyway and cheer on the labor of dozens of cosplayers as they show off their hard work.
Masquerade Rules
What is a Masquerade?
The Otakuthon Masquerade is an amateur costuming competition for anime, manga and gaming-related costumes as well as costumes inspired by such works. It is an opportunity to see cosplayers show off their superb costumes, craftsmanship and creativity.
Two types of entries are presented: skits and walk-ons.
- Skits are short theatrical performances of up to 45 seconds (alone or for groups of up to 3 participants) or one minute (groups of 4 or more) in length in which participants wear costumes and perform a skit based on their favorite anime or manga. These presentations may be funny or serious, parody or action and may use characters from one or many shows, but they are always creative and entertaining.
- Walk-ons do not perform skits but come out on stage to show their superb costumes like in a fashion show. These presentations allow fans to see the work of cosplayers who are great craftsmen but are less interested in writing and acting.
To recognize the work of these cosplayers, awards will be given out to the best performances and costumes.
How Do I Participate?
To participate in the Masquerade:
- Please read the Masquerade rules
- This year’s edition includes advance registration and on-site registration.
- A limited number of entries will be available through online registration. This WILL GUARANTEE you a spot in the masquerade and you will not need to line-up for registration on Friday or Saturday.
- Online registration is now complete! Thank you to all participants who completed the online registration! For on-site registration, see below.
- IMPORTANT: A valid Otakuthon badge is required for online registration. Please be mindful when registering online and commit to attending. If you use the online registration to reserve a spot and don’t show up, you’re taking away from other participants who would have loved to compete but couldn’t because the show was fully booked.
- If more online applications are received than there are available spots, you will be placed on a waiting list and notified if a spot frees up.
- The remaining spots will be available for on-site registration on the Friday and Saturday of the event.
How Does the Masquerade Work?
We are introducing Greenroom by appointment! Book your timeslot in our calendar during online pre-registration or at the Masquerade Desk (Friday & Saturday) and show up at the scheduled time to have your costume judged, speak to the MC, sound technician, ninjas and have your picture taken. You’re then free to enjoy your day until final call-time!
Please note that you will be asked to choose a greenroom appointment after filling up the registration form.
Entries who fail to show-up to their appointment will be disqualified.
On-site registration at the Masquerade Registration Desk will be open on the following dates:
- Friday, August 16th, 2019 from 5PM to 7PM (only 20 entries will be available)
- Saturday, August 17th, 2019, from 8AM to 10AM or until the total maximum of 70 entries has been reached.
The Registration Desk will be in the Hall Place Riopelle, close to the badge pickup.
There will only be a total of 70 entry slots, including advance registrations, so be sure to arrive early for on-site registration!
Only MP3 files on USB keys will be accepted. No files on cellphones, CDs, YouTube, Dropbox or other file sharing sites will be accepted. There will also be no WiFi available for downloads. The Masquerade team does NOT have a music library to choose your music from. If you do not submit a soundtrack, your entry will be silent. Be prepared to submit your file during your Greenroom appointment.
Final call-time will be 1h before the show. You must report to the Masquerade Greenroom (room 230B) by that time or be disqualified. Please note that you will not be able to leave the Greenroom after that time. It is therefore strongly recommended that you wrap up anything you needed done prior.
You must be ready to go on stage when you arrive at the Greenroom, as there will be little time to prepare before curtain call.
Note: Very large costumes must be able to pass through a standard door frame while being worn otherwise, unfortunately, they cannot be entered in the show as they will not be able to reach the backstage and main stage area.
Awards Ceremony
The Masquerade Awards Ceremony will take place on Sunday, August 18th, 2019, at 10:30 AM in room 517A.