The Kapuru Game Show (16+)
Are you a true power Kapuru? Then why not come and prove it! Show us your Lovu Lovu power! Three couples will be asked questions about their partners and do their best to match each other's answers. The game is played in three rounds and the couple with the most matches wins.
If you wish to participate:
- Pre-register by filling out the "Couples Registration form".
- Sending the completed form to us by email at You will then receive a confirmation email.
- Print a copy of the registration form and give it to the contest hosts on the day of the contest. The contest host will be held on Saturday August 8, 2015 during the evening. The room number and time will be sent out in an email once the schedule has been confirmed.
On the day of the contest:
- Show up 10 minutes before the start of the contest to meet up with the contest hosts. They will give you a few instructions to follow.
- If you fail to show up on time, then you will lose your right to participate, even if you are pre-registered. The hosts will then hold an on-site registration to find a replacement couple.
- Don't forget to give your printed copy of the registration form, filled out and signed, to the contest hosts.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Contest staff at
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